I worked as a fellow at engageSpark in the Philippines for one month, where I learned about their online SMS campaign platform for nonprofits and businesses. Through the platform, users are able to set up engagements such as community announcements, prenatal care reminders, and medication lookup through SMS in many countries all over the world.
Tools: Django, MOTECH, CouchDB, Nexmo API

My project was prototyping a feature called a database lookup in which the platform would respond to texts querying a database. This was specifically intended for the use case of patients in Africa who needed to check whether their medication was counterfeit by texting in the medication code. I prototyped by using the SMS reply system used by existing engagements such as announcement but modifying the engagement to allow upload via a spreadsheet of acceptable names or codes.

For more about engageSpark, visit their website at https://www.engagespark.com/