Hi, I'm Jiayun

I am a full-time learner and traveler. I am based in Paris, France studying Chinese migrant art, fresh off of my college degree in Computer Science. I have a vested interest in social impact technology and leaving the world better than I found it. My current short-term goals include using French slang at least once a day, building something with Raspberry Pi , and finding moments to photograph.

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May or may not include...

  • Coffee

    French cafe culture and why the US needs it
  • Art

    How I meditate with traditional Chinese art
  • Android

    Why I want to be an Android engineer
  • Feminist

    Proud feminist philosophizing
  • Education

    Relative importance of cultural vs. formal education

Quoi de beau?

Quoi de beau? is a French greeting equivalent to “what’s up?” but literally translated, it means “what of beauty?” I’m a sucker for poetic phrases in the commonplace. Also, since I’m sure many of your are curious on what exactly is up with me this year, I thought I would write a short briefing on my fellowship and what I’m doing here in Paris.

Les Petites Goûts de Paris

Salut tout le monde! I arrived safely in Paris two weeks ago for my one-year Gardner Traveling Fellowship. “Les petites goûts” means “the little tastes” of Paris and, in this post, I’m writing about all the little tastes I have had in the past two weeks. Read ahead for my adventures with French paperwork, café crème, and Belgian political structure.

Senior Year Recruiting (1/3)

In the fall of 2015, I went through full-time recruiting for tech companies. It was time-consuming and stressful but it also made me more reflective and self-aware about what I wanted in the year after graduation. The following series of 3 posts convey some of what I learned and some of what I wish I had done differently during the process. The parts are roughly divided into before, during, and after interviews info. It will be pretty straightforward and dry because I hope to lend some clarity to a very opaque process. I hope you find it helpful!

Senior Year Recruiting (2/3)

Second in a series of three posts about my learnings from the tech recruiting process. This specifically covers everything from how to set up an interview to how to prep to what questions to ask during the interview.